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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Dr. Fatimah Sham Binti Ismail
    Dr. Shahdan Bin Sudin
    Dr. Shafishuhaza Binti Sahlan
    Dr. Herman Bin Wahid

    Semester : I Sessi 2016/2017

    Synopsis :

    This course introduces the students to the fundamental ideas and definitions of control systems, open loop and close loop control systems, transfer functions and transient and steady state responses. Students will be taught how to obtain mathematical models of actual physical systems such as electrical, mechanical and electromechanical systems in the transfer function form. Methods of system representation such as block diagram representation and signal flow graphs will be examined. The students will also be exposed to techniques of analysing control systems performance and stability in time and frequency domains. 

    Creative Commons License This work, SKEE3133 System Modeling & Analysis Construction Safety by
    Dr. Fatimah Sham Binti Ismail,
    Dr. Shahdan Bin Sudin,
    Dr. Shafishuhaza Binti Sahlan &
    Dr. Herman Bin Wahid
    is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unsupported License
  • Topic 1

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Control System

    Introducing control systems engineering through historical background as well as classification of basic common control areas.
  • Topic 2

    Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling in Transfer Function Form

    This chapter describes about how to obtain the mathematical models of actual physical systems such as electrical, mechanical and electromechanical systems in the transfer function form.
  • Topic 3

    Chapter 3 Systems Representation

    Representing complicated systems into single transfer function using block diagram reduction and signal flow graph using mason's rule
  • Topic 4

    Chapter 4 Response and Stability Analysis in Time Domain

    This chapter presents response and stability analysis of control system in time domain. Introduction to First-order system and second-order system for transient & steady-state response and response specification. System response with additional poles. Steady-state error and stability analysis, relative stability to test stability using Routh Hurwitz RH-Criterion and RH-Stability analysis.
  • Topic 5

    Chapter 5 Response and Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain

    Introduction to frequency response, plotting in frequency domain, bode plot analysis, relation between closed-loop and open-loop, stability analysis, gain adjustment and steady state error.