Web Analytics


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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer :  Ivin Amri Musliman
    Semester :  Semester II 2010/2011
    logo html

    Synopsis :

    The aim of study is to provide basic knowledge in Internet programming and to highlight the importance of the subject for web based GIS development. Students will be exposed to basic knowledge in programming such as HTML, PHP, XML, XSLT and KML languages. During the course, attention will be given to the students in understanding and their ability in developing web applications.

    Course Outcomes :

    By the end of the course, student should be able to :

    1. Define and explain the concepts of web development and its applications.
    2. Discuss open issues concerning web applications and trends.
    3. Carry out static web application development using HTML and CSS coding.
    4. Analyze the design of XML file and solve implementation issues.
    5. Practice HTML and XML knowledge in development of a simple web-based GIS application using practical solution.
    6. Cooperate and commit collaboratively as part of a team and work individually in solving web application problem.

    Creative Commons License This work, SGG3643 Computer Programming III by Ivin Amri Musliman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    Introduction to the Course

    The basic knowledge in web programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, XML, XSLT and KML.

  • Topic 2

    Introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

    • HTML Static Web Pages
    • HTML Tags (bold, italics, paragraph, hyperlinks, headings, etc.)
    • Tables & Tables Border
    • Images
    • Creating Hyperlinks
    • Text Alignments
    • Font Size and Color
    • Line Spacing & Blank Spaces
  • Topic 3

    Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

    • Introduction to CSS
    • Managing CSS
    • CSS Structure
  • Topic 4

    Introduction to XML & XSLT

    • Introduction
    • XML as a family of standards
    • Structure and content of XML documents
    • Document Type Definition (DTD)
    • Presentation:
      • XML and CSS
      • XML and XSL
      • XSLT
  • Topic 5

    HTML, PHP and GIS

    • Introduction to Dynamic Web
    • Integration Web with Database
    • Embedding GIS application into Web
  • Topic 6

    Introduction to Geo-Visualization

    • Introduction to Geo-Visualization (VRML, X3D, GML, CityGML, KML)
    • Alternatives to Geo-Visualization
    • Geo-Visualization Specifications
    • Geo-Visualization Applications
  • Topic 7

    Lab Exercises, Assignments & Test Questions