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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Norazah Binti Yusof
    Semester : Semester I 2010/2011

    Synopsis :

    This course presents the concepts of object orientation and object-oriented programming techniques using Java programming language. It provides students with a thorough look at the basic constructs of the Java programming language such as its basic data types and operations. It also emphasizes on the use of standard Java APIs that allow students to develop text-based as well as GUI applications. It also covers: abstractions, class relationships, inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling.

    Creative Commons License This work,SCJ2153 Object Oriented Programming by Norazah Binti Yusof is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    Object Oriented Programming vs Procedural Programming
    • Procedural Programming
    • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Benefits of Object-oriented programming
    • Object-Oriented Programming Languages
  • Topic 2

    Object Oriented Principles
    • Divide and Conquer
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation and Modularity
    • Public Interface
    • Information Hiding
    • Generality
    • Extensibility

  • Topic 3

    Introduction to Java
    • Origins of the Java Language
    • The Java Language
    • Java Application Program Interface (API)
    • Java Development toolkit (JDK)
    • Integrated Java Development Tools
    • Java Program Development Process
    • The Compiler and the Java Virtual Machine
  • Topic 4

    Creating Java Program PDF document
    • Steps to Create Java Applications
    • Create a Source File
    • Create the batch file
    • Compile the Java source file
    • Run the Java byte code file
    • Analyzing the Java Program
  • Topic 5

    Java Identifiers
    • Identifiers
    • Rules for naming Identifiers
    • Java Code Conventions for Class and Interface
    • Java Code Conventions for Method
    • Java Code Conventions for Variable
    • Java Code Conventions for Constant
  • Topic 6

    Java Variables
    • Variables
    • Primitives Variables
    • Reference Variables
    • Instance Variables
    • Local Variables
    • Constant
  • Topic 7

    Class and Objects
    • Classes
    • Class Diagram
    • Information Hiding Principle
    • Accessor and Mutator method
    • Creating Object
    • Accessing Objects
    • Constructors

  • Topic 8

    Using Predefined Classes: String, Scanner and JOptionPane
    • The String Class
    • The String Methods
    • The Scanner Class
    • The Scanner Methods
    • The JOptionPane Class
    • The JOptionPane Methods
  • Topic 9

    Wrapper class
    • Numeric Data Type Wrappers
    • Creating a Wrapper Object
    • The Parse Methods
  • Topic 10

    Static class members
    • Reasons for using Static Member
    • Static Modifier
    • Static Variable
    • Static Method
  • Topic 11

    Array of Primitives
    • Introduction to Array of Primitive
    • Declare and Create an Array of Primitive
    • Declare and Initialize an Array of Primitive
    • Array Subscript
    • Accessing Array Element
    • Using For loop
    • Using Enhanced For loop
  • Topic 12

    Array of Objects
    • Introduction to Array of Objects
    • Declare and Create an Array of Objects
    • Memory Layout
    • Using For loop
    • Using Enhanced For loop

  • Topic 13

    • The ArrayList Class
    • Creating an ArrayList
    • The ArrayList Methods
    • Using ArrayList as a Generic Data Type

  • Topic 14

    • Association Relationship
    • Bidirectional Association Relationship

  • Topic 15

    • The “is a” Relationship
    • Inherited Members
    • Protected Modifier
    • Derived and Based Class