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Topic outline

  • General

    : Dr Mohammad Zakri bin Tarmidi
    Semester : 20172018-1

    Synopsis :

    The course is designed to give the student a basic understanding of Geographic Information System or Land Information System. All related philosophies, theories and methodologies of GIS/LIS will be explained. Terminology, history of GIS/LIS, basic concepts, components of GIS/LIS, database, application and recent issues will be covered.

    Creative Commons License This work, SGHU 2552 Introduction to GIS by Dr. Mohammad Zakri bin Tarmidi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Geographic Information System

    This topic discussed the background of Geographic Information System (GIS), the definition of GIS, GIS: Geographic Information Sciences, Components of GIS and conclusion
  • Topic 2

    Chapter 2: Spatial Data

    This chapter discussed about the spatial data, the character of maps that influence the modelling of spatial data, other sources used in GIS as a spatial and non-spatial data, and the conclusion
  • Topic 3

    Chapter 3: Spatial Data Modelling

    This Chapter discussed on how to model the spatial data. Some of the sub-topics to be discussed is:

    •Entities definition
    •Spatial data models
    •Spatial data structures
    •Modelling surface
    •Modelling networks
    •Building computer worlds
    •Modelling the third and fourth dimension
  • Topic 4

    Chapter 4: Attribute Data Management

    This chapter discussed on the database. How to store the spatial and non-spatial data. The sub-chapter will be discussed is:

    •The importance of database
    •Database data model
    •Creating a database
    •GIS database application
    •Development in database
  • Topic 5

    Chapter 5: Data Input and Editing

    This chapter will discussed about the data input and editing in GIS. This included;

    1. Methods of Data Input
    2. Data Editing
    3. Geocoding Address Data
  • Topic 6

    Chapter 6: Spatial Data Analysis

    This chapter discussed on the spatial data analysis. Some of the spatial analysis that will be discussed are:

    • Measurement in GIS: Lengths, perimeters, area
    • Queries
    • Reclassification
    • Buffering & neighbourhood functions
    • Map overlay: integrating data
    • Spatial Interpolation
    • Surface Analysis
    • Network Analysis
  • Topic 7

    Chapter 7: Issues in GIS

    This chapter discussed on the GIS trends and issues at local, national and global level
    • Integrated GIS in day-to-day application
    • Issues in implementing GIS
    • The future of GIS