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Topic outline

  • General


    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalida Muda
    Dr. Nur Syamimi Zaidi
    Dr. Mohd Badruddin Mohd Yusoff
    Dr. Norelyza Hussein
    Semester II 2017/2018

    The course is designed to expose the students to various aspects in environmental pollution and concepts of environmental management. The course emphasizes on discussion in different aspects of environmental components including water, air, soil and waste. Various pollution control and prevention methods, environmental regulations as well as the implementation and concept in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) in achieving sustainable development will also be among the important aspect of this course. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge by the ability to identify specific pollution control technology and methods and the processes in preparing an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report. The students should be able to synthesize the knowledge in a group project and demonstrate a cooperative effort while working in a team as well as develop good relationship and interaction with colleagues and work effectively with other people to achieve mutual objective.

    Creative Commons License This work, SKAA3913 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT by Dr. Nur Syamimi binti Zaidi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    Environmental Sustainability

    This topic covers on the sustainability aspect related to the water, air as well as soil. It conveys the primary concept of sustainability, factors that causing degradation of sustainability and ways forwards that can be done to promote environmental sustainability.
  • Topic 2

    Water Pollution

    This topic covers on the causes and consequences of water pollution occurrence. It also conveys on the types and sources of water pollutants as well as proper mitigation measures or control strategies that can be done to minimize the impact of water pollution. Specific environmental regulations related to the water pollution is also included.
  • Topic 3

    Air Pollution

    This topic covers on the sources of air pollutions, factors affecting the air pollution level as well as type of air pollutants. This topic also discusses on the phenomenon of air pollutions and control mechanisms that can be done to minimize the impact of air pollution. Specific environmental regulations subjected to air pollution is also included.
  • Topic 4

    Soil Pollution

    This topic covers on the component of soil and common pollutants in soil pollution. The topic also discusses on the various types of soil treatment that can be implemented to minimize the respective pollution.
  • Topic 5

    Solid Waste Management

    This topic covers on the management of solid wastes particularly on the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM). The topic also discusses on the recycling as a best strategy to minimize waste generation and highlights the factors / technical issues that commonly affect the recycling activity.
  • Topic 6

    Hazardous Waste Management

    This topic discusses on the hazardous waste, characteristics of hazardous wastes and methods of handling the generation of these wastes.
  • Topic 7

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    This topic emphasizes on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as an assessment tool for environmental impact. The topic includes introduction on the EIA, types and processes involved in the EIA as well as related legislation subjected to the EIA.