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Synopsis : This course is offered to
students who are keen to build their career at the international arena. This
course gives an understanding to students on four basic things of international
marketing. First: It focuses on the scope, challenges and market opportunities
that could be faced by those who become international marketers in a global
environment. Second: The students will learn on the cultural environment that
includes the geography and history, business practice, politics and global
market legacy. Third exposes to markets and new trade divisions that could be
created through surveys and reservations. Fourth is provides exposure on global
marketing strategies that are being built through planning and organization by
products and services, advertisement and personal promotions instead of fixing
the price globally as a response to the era of challenges in the international
market. | ||||||||||
an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating,
and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in
ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. A company that engages in global marketing focuses resources on global market opportunities
and threats. Successful global marketers such as Nestle, Coca-Cola, and Honda
use familiar marketing mix elements
– the four Ps – to create global marketing
Marketing, R&D,
manufacturing, and other activities comprise a firm’s value chain; The value
equation (V =B/P) expresses the relationship between values and the
marketing mix.
Global companies also maintain
strategic focus while pursuing competitive advantage. The marketing
mix, value chain, competitive advantage, and focus are universal in their
applicability, irrespective of whether a company does business only in the home
country or has a presence in many markets around the world. However, in a global industry, companies that fail to pursue global opportunities risk
being pushed aside by stronger global competitors.
A firm’s global marketing strategy (GMS) can enhance its worldwide
performance. The GMS addresses
several issues. First is nature of the marketing program in terms of the
balance between a standardization
(extension) approach to the marketing mix and a localization (adaptation) approach
that is responsive to
country or regional differences. Second is the concentration of marketing activities in a few countries or the dispersal of such activities across many
countries. Companies that engage in global marketing can also engage in coordination of marketing activities. Finally, a firm’s GMS will address the
issue of global market participation.
The importance of global
marketing today can be seen in the company rankings compiled by the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Financial Times, and other publications.
Whether ranked by revenues, market capitalization, or some other measure, most
of the world’s major corporations are active regionally or globally. The size
of global markets for individual industries or product categories helps explain
why companies “go global”. Global markets for some product categories represent
hundreds of billions of dollars in annual sales; other markets are much
smaller. Whatever the size of the opportunity, successful industry competitors
find that increasing revenues and profits means seeking markets outside the
home country.
Company management can be classified in terms of its orientation toward the world: ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, or geocentric. The terms reflect progressive levels of development or evolution. An ethnocentric orientation characterizes domestic and international companies; international companies pursue marketing opportunities outside the home market by extending various elements of the marketing mix. A polycentric worldview predominates at a multinational company, where the marketing mix is adapted by country managers operating autonomously. Managers at global and transnational companies are regiocentric or geocentric in their orientation and pursue both extension and adaptation strategies in global markets.
The dynamic interplay of several driving and restraining forces shapes the importance of global marketing. Driving forces include market needs and wants, technology, transportation and communication improvements, product costs, quality, world economic trends, and recognition of opportunities to develop leverage by operating globally. Restraining forces include market differences, management myopia, organizational culture, and national controls such as nontariff barriers (NTBs).
The economic environment is a major
determinant of global market potential and opportunity. In today’s global
economy, capital movements are the driving force, production is uncoupled from
employment, and capitalism has vanquished communism. Based on patterns of
resource allocation and ownership, the world's economies can be categorized as market capitalism, centrally-planned
capitalism, centrally-planned socialism, and market socialism. The final years of the twentieth century were
marked by transitions toward market capitalism in many countries that had been
centrally controlled. However, there still exists a great disparity among the
nations of the world in terms of economic freedom.
Countries can be categorized in terms of
their stage of economic development: low
income, lower middle income, upper middle income, and high income. Gross domestic product (GDP) and gross
national income (GNI) are commonly used measures of economic
development. The 50 poorest countries in
the low-income category are sometimes referred to as least-developed countries (LDCs). Upper middle-income countries
with high growth are often called newly
industrializing economies (NIEs). Several of the world’s economies
are notable for their fast growth; the BRICnations include
country’s balance of payments is a
record of its economic transactions with the rest of the world; this record
shows whether a country has a trade
surplus (value of exports exceeds value of imports) or a trade deficit (value of imports exceeds
value of exports). Trade figures can be further divided into merchandise trade and services trade accounts; a country can
run a surplus in both accounts, a deficit in both accounts, or a combination of
the two. The
exchange provides a means for settling accounts across borders. The dynamics of international finance can
have a significant impact on a nation’s economy as well as the fortunes of
individual companies. Currencies can be
subject to devaluation or revaluation as a result of actions
taken by a country’s central banker.
Currency trading by international speculators can also lead to
devaluation. When a country’s economy is
strong or when demand for its goods is high, its currency tends to appreciate
in value. When currency values
fluctuate, global firms face various types of economic exposure. Firms can manage exchange rate exposure by hedging.
This chapter examines the environment for
world trade, focusing on the institutions and regional cooperation agreements
that affect trade patterns.
The multilateral World Trade Organization, created
in 1995 as the successor to the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, provides a forum for settling disputes
among member nations and tries to set policy for world trade.
The world trade environment is also
characterized by preferential trade
agreements among smaller numbers
of countries on a regional and sub-regional basis. These agreements can be
conceptualized on a continuum of increasing economic integration.
trade areas such as the one created by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)represent the lowest level of economic integration.
The purpose of a free trade agreement is to eliminate tariffs and quotas. Rules of origin are used to verify the
country from which goods are shipped. A customs
union (e.g. Mercosur) represents a further degree of integration in the
form of common external tariffs.
In a common
market such as Central American Integration System (SICA), restrictions on
the movement of labor and capital are eased in an effort to further increase
An economic
union, such as the European Union (EU), the highest level of economic
integration is achieved by unification of economic policies and institutions. Harmonization, the coming together of
varying standards and regulations, is a key characteristic of the EU.
Other important cooperation arrangements
include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Cooperation
Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). In
Culture, a society’s “programming of the mind,” has both a pervasive and
changing influence on each national market environment. Global marketers must
recognize the influence of culture and be prepared to either respond to it or
change it. Human behavior is a function of a person’s own unique personality
and that person’s interaction with the collective forces of the particular
society and culture in which he or she has lived. In particular, attitudes, values, and beliefs can
vary significantly from country to country.
Also, differences pertaining to religion, aesthetics, dietary customs, and
language and communication can affect local reaction to brands or products as
well as the ability of company personnel to function effectively in different
cultures. A number of concepts and theoretical frameworks provide insights into
these and other cultural issues.
Cultures can be classified as high- or low-context; communication and negotiation styles can differ from
country to country. Hofstede’s social value typology sheds light on national
cultures in terms of power distance,
individualism vs. collectivism, masculinityvs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-versus short-term orientation. By understanding the self-reference criterion, global marketers can overcome the
unconscious tendency for perceptual blockage and distortion.
The political environment of
global marketing is the set of governmental institutions, political parties,
and organizations that are the expression of the people in the nations of the
world. In particular, anyone engaged in global marketing should have an overall
understanding of the importance of sovereignty
to national governments. The political environment varies from country to
country, and political riskassessment is crucial. It is also important to understand a particular
government’s actions with respect to taxes and seizure of assets. Historically,
the latter have taken the form ofexpropriation, confiscation, and
The legal environment consists of
laws, courts, attorneys, legal customs, and practices. International law is comprised of the rules and principles that
nation-states consider binding upon themselves.
The countries of the world can be broadly categorized in terms of common-law legal systems or civil-law legal system. The
The regulatory environment consists of agencies, both
governmental and non-governmental, that enforce laws or set guidelines for
conducting business. Global marketing activities can be affected by a number of
international or regional economic organizations; in
Information is one of the most basic
ingredients of a successful marketing strategy. A company's management information system and intranet provides decision makers with
a continuous flow of information. Information
technology is profoundly affecting global marketing activities by allowing
managers to access and manipulate data to assist in decision making. Electronic data interchange, electronic point of sale data, efficient consumer response, customer relationship management, and data warehouses are some of the new
tools and techniques available. The global marketer must scan the world for
information about opportunities and threats and make information available via
a management information system
Formal market research– the project-specific, systematic gathering of data-is often required before marketers
make key decisions. Global market
research links customers and marketers through information gathered on a
global scale. The research process
begins when marketers define the problem and set research objectives; this step
may entail assessing whether a particular market should be classified as latent or incipient. A research plan specifies the relative amounts of
qualitative and quantitative information desired. Information is collected
using either primary or secondary datasources. In today’s wired world, the Internet has taken its place alongside
more traditional channels as an important secondary information source. In some
instances, the cost of collecting primary data may outweigh the potential
benefits. Secondary sources are especially useful for researching a market that
is too small to justify a large commitment of time and money.
If collection of primary data can be justified on a cost-benefit basis, research can be conducted via survey research, personal interviews, consumer panels, observation, and focus groups. Before collecting data, researchers must determine whether a probability sample is required. In global marketing, careful attention must be paid to issues such as eliminating cultural bias in research, accurately translating surveys, and ensuring data comparability in different markets. A number of techniques are available for analyzing survey data, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling (MDS), and conjoint analysis. Research findings and recommendations must be presented clearly. A final issue is how much control headquarters will have over research and the overall management of the organization's information system. To ensure comparability of data, the researcher should utilize both emic and etic approaches
The global environment must be analyzed
before a company pursues expansion into new geographic markets. Through global market segmentation, a company
can identify and group customers or countries according to common needs and
wants. Demographic segmentation can
be based on country income and population, age, ethnic heritage, or other
variables. Psychographic segmentationgroups people according to attitudes, interests, opinions, and lifestyles. Behavioral segmentation utilizes user status and usage rate as segmentation variables. Benefits segmentation is based on the benefit buyers seek. Global
teens and global elites are two
examples of global market segments.
After marketers have identified segments,
the next step is targeting: The
identified groups are evaluated and compared, and one or more segments with the
greatest potential is selected from them. The groups are evaluated on the basis
of several factors, including segment size and growth potential, competition,
and compatibility and feasibility. Target market assessment also entails a
thorough understanding of the product-marketin question and determining marketing
model drivers and enabling
conditions in the countries under study.
The timing of market entry should take into account whether a first-mover advantage is likely to be
gained. After evaluating the
identified segments, marketers must decide on an appropriate targeting
strategy. The three basic categories of global target marketing strategies
are standardized global marketing, niche marketing, and differentiated multisegment marketing.
a product or brand to differentiate it in the minds
of target customers can be accomplished in various ways: positioning by attribute or benefit, positioning by quality/price,
positioning by use or user, and positioning by competition. In global
marketing global consumer culture
positioning (GCCP), foreign consumer culture positioning (FCCP), and local consumer culture positioning (LCCP) are additional strategic options.
A company’s first business dealings outside the home country often
take the form of exporting or importing. Companies should recognize the
difference between export marketing and export selling. By attending
trade shows and participating in trade missions, company
personnel can learn a great deal about new markets.
Governments use a variety of programs to support exports, including
tax incentives, subsidies, and export assistance. Governments also discourage
imports with a combination of tariffs and nontariff barriers. A quota
is one example of a nontariff barrier. Export-related policy issues include
the status of foreign sales corporations (FSCs) in the
subsidies. Governments establish free
trade zones and special economic zones to encourage investment.
The Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) has been adopted by most
countries that are
actively involved in export-import trade. Single-column tariffs are
the simplest; two-column tariffs include special rates such as those
available to countries with normal trade relations (NTR) status.
Governments can also impose special types of duties. These include antidumping
duties imposed on products whose prices government officials deem too low
and countervailing duties to offset government subsidies.
Key participants in the export-import process include foreign
purchasing agents, export
brokers, export merchants, export
management companies, manufacturers’ export agents, export
distributors, export commission representatives, cooperative
exporters, and freight forwarders. A number of export-import payment
methods are available. A transaction begins with the issue of a pro forma
invoice or some other formal document. A basic payment instrument is the letter
of credit (L/C) that assures payment from the buyer’s bank. Sales
may also be made using a bill of exchange (draft), cash in
advance, sales on open account, or a consignment agreement.
Exporting and importing is directly related to management’s sourcing
decisions. Concern is mounting in developed countries about job losses
linked to outsourcing jobs, both skilled and unskilled, to low-wage
countries. A number of factors determine whether a company makes or buys the
products it markets as well as where it makes or buys it.
Companies that wish to move beyond
exporting and importing can avail themselves of a wide range of alternative market entry strategies. Each
alternative has distinct advantages and disadvantages associated with it; the
alternatives can be ranked on a continuum representing increasing levels of
investment, commitment, and risk. Licensingcan generate revenue flow with little new investment; it can be a good choice
for a company that possesses advanced technology, a strong brand image, or
valuable intellectual property. Contract
manufacturing and franchisingare two specialized forms of licensing that are widely used in global
A higher level of involvement outside the
home country may involve foreign direct
investment. This can take many forms.Joint ventures offer two or more companies the opportunity to share risk
and combine value chain strengths. Companies considering joint ventures must
plan carefully and communicate with partners to avoid “divorce.” Foreign direct
investment can also be used to establish company operations outside the home
country through
Cooperative alliances known as strategic alliances, strategic
international alliances, and global
strategic partnerships (GSPs)represent an important market entry strategy in the twenty-first century. GSPs
are ambitious, reciprocal, cross-border alliances that may involve business
partners in a number of different country markets. GSPs are particularly well
suited to emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, and
To assist managers in thinking through the
various alternatives, market expansion
strategies can be represented in matrix form: country and market concentration, country concentration and market diversification, country diversification and market
concentration, and country and
market diversification. The preferred expansion strategy will be a
reflection of a company’s stage of development (i.e. whether it is
international, multinational, global, or transnational). The Stage 5
transnational combines the strengths of these three stages into an integrated
network to leverage worldwide learning.
The product is the most important
element of a company’s marketing program. Global marketers face the challenge
of formulating coherent product and brand strategies on a worldwide basis. A product can be viewed as a collection
of tangible and intangible attributes that collectively provide benefits to a
buyer or user. A brand is a complex
bundle of images and experiences in the mind of the customer. In most
countries, local brands compete with
international brands and global brands. A local product is available
in a single country; a global
product meets the wants and needs of a global market.
A global brand has the same name and a similar image and positioning
in most parts of the world. Many global companies leverage favorable brand images and high brand equity by employing combination (tiered) branding, cobranding, and brand extension strategies. Companies can create strong brands in
all markets through global brand leadership. Maslow’s hierarchy
is a needs-based framework that offers a way of understanding opportunities
to develop local and global products in different parts of the world. Some
products and brands benefit from the country-of-origin
effect. Product decisions must also address packaging issues such as labeling and aesthetics. Also, express warranty
policies must be appropriate for each country market.
Product and communications
strategies can be viewed within a framework that allows for combinations of
three strategies: extension strategy,
adaptation strategy, and creation strategy. Five strategic
alternatives are open to companies pursuing geographic expansion: product-communication extension; product extension-communication adaptation;
product adaptation-communication extension;
product-communication adaptation;
and product invention (innovation).
The strategic alternative(s) that a particular company chooses will depend on
the product and the need it serves, customer preferences and purchasing power,
and the costs of adaptation versus standardization. Product transformation occurs when a product that
has been introduced into new country markets serves a different function or is
used differently than originally intended. When choosing a strategy,
management should consciously strive to avoid the “not invented here” syndrome.
Global competition has put pressure on companies to excel at developing
standardized product platforms that
can serve as a foundation for cost-efficient adaptation. New products can be
classified as discontinuous, dynamically continuous, or continuous innovations. A successful product launch requires an understanding
of how markets develop: sequentially over time or simultaneously. Today, many
new products are launched in multiple national markets as product development
cycles shorten and product development costs soar.
Pricing decisions are a critical
element of the marketing mix that must reflect costs, competitive factors, and
customer perceptions regarding value of the product. In a true global market,
the law of one price would prevail.
Pricing strategies include market
skimming, market penetration,
and market holding. Novice exporters
frequently use cost-plus pricing.
International terms of a sale such as ex-works,
F.A.S., F.O.B., and C.I.F. are
known as Incoterms and specify which
party to a transaction is responsible for covering various costs. These and
other costs lead to export price
escalation, the accumulation of costs that occurs when products are shipped
from one country to another.
Expectations regarding currency
fluctuations, inflation, government controls, and the competitive situation
must also be factored into pricing decisions. The introduction of the euro has
impacted price strategies in the EU because of improved price transparency. Global companies can maintain competitive
prices in world markets by shifting production sources as business conditions
change. Overall, a company’s pricing policies can be categorized as ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric.
Several additional pricing issues
are related to global marketing. The issue of gray market goods arises because price variations between different
countries lead to parallel imports. Dumping is another contentious issue
that can result in strained relations between trading partners. Price fixing among companies is
anticompetitive and illegal.
pricing is an issue because of the sheer
monetary volume of intra-corporate sales and because country governments are
anxious to generate as much tax revenue as possible. Various forms of countertrade play an important role in
today’s global environment. Barter, counterpurchase, offset, compensation trading,
and switch trading are the main
countertrade options.
A channel of distribution is the network
of agencies and institutions that links producers with users. Physical distribution is the movement
of goods through channels. Business
–to-consumer marketing uses consumer channels; business-to-business marketing
employs industrial channels to deliver products to manufacturers or other
types of organizations. Peer-to-peer marketing
via the Internet is another channel.
Distributors and agents are key intermediaries in both channel types. Channel decisions are difficult to manage
globally because of the variation in channel structures from country to
country. Marketing channels can create place
utility, time utility, form utility, and information utility for buyers. The
characteristics of customers, products, middlemen, and environment all affect
channel design and strategy.
channels may be relatively direct, utilizing direct mail or door-to-door
selling, as well as manufacturer-owned stores. A combination of manufacturers'
sales force, agents-brokers, and wholesalers may also be used.
retailing is a growing trend as successful
retailers expand around the world in support of growth objectives. Retail
operations takes many different forms, including department stores, specialty
retailers, supermarkets, convenience stores, discount stores, warehouse clubs, hypermarkets,
supercenters, category killers, and outlet
malls. Selection, price, store location, and customer service are a few of
the competencies that can be used strategically to enter a new market. It is
possible to classify retailers in a matrix that distinguishes companies
offering few product categories with an own-label focus; many
categories-own-label focus; few categories-manufacturer-brand focus; and many
categories-manufacturer-brand focus. Global retail expansion can be achieved
via organic growth, franchising, acquisition, and joint
and physical distribution issues are critically important in a company’s value
chain because of the geographical distances involved in sourcing products and
serving customers in different parts of the world. A company’s supply chain includes all the firms
that perform support activities such as generating raw materials or fabricating
components. Logistics and logistics management integrate the
activities of all companies in a firm’s value chain to ensure an efficient flow
of goods through the supply chain. Important activities include order processing, warehousing, and inventory
management. To cut costs and improve efficiency, many companies are
reconfiguring their supply chains by outsourcing some or all of these
activities. Six transportation modes—air, truck, water, rail, pipeline, and
Internet—are widely used in global distribution. Containerization was a key innovation in physical distribution
that facilitates intermodal
communications—the promotion P of the
marketing mix—includes advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and
personal selling. When a company embraces integrated
marketing communications (IMC), it recognizes that the various elements of
a company's communication strategy must be carefully coordinated. Advertising is a sponsored , paid
message that is communicated through nonpersonal channels. Global advertising consists of the same advertising appeals,
messages, artwork, and copy in campaigns around the world. The effort required
to create a global campaign forces a company to determine whether or not a
global market exists for its product. The trade-off between standardized and
adapted advertising is often accomplished by means of pattern advertising, which can be used to create localized global
advertising. Many advertising agencies are part of larger advertising organizations. Advertisers may place a single global
agency in charge of worldwide advertising; it is also possible to use one or
more agencies on a regional or local basis.
The starting
point in ad development is the creative
strategy, a statement of what the message will say. The people who create
ads often seek a big idea that can
serve as the basis for memorable, effective messages. The advertising appeal is the communication approach—rational or
emotional—that best relates to buyer motives. Rational appeals speak to the mind: emotional appeals speak to the heart. The selling proposition is
the promise that captures the reason
for buying the product. The creative
execution is the way an appeal or proposition is presented. Art direction and copy must be created with cultural considerations in mind. Perceptions
of humor, male-female relationships, and sexual imagery vary in different parts
of the world. Media availability varies considerably from country to country. When
selecting media, marketers are sometimes as constrained by laws and regulations
as by literacy rates.
A company
utilizes public relations (PR) to foster goodwill and
understanding among constituents both inside and outside the company. In
particular, the PR department attempts to generate favorable publicity about the company and its
products and brands. The PR department must also manage corporate
communications when responding to negative publicity. The most important PR
tools are press releases, media kits, interviews, and tours. Many global
companies make use of various types of corporate
advertising, including image advertising and advocacy advertising. Public relations is also responsible for
providing accurate, timely information, especially in the event of a crisis.
promotion is any paid,
short-term communication program that adds tangible value to a product or
brand. Consumer sales promotionsare targeted at ultimate consumers; trade
sales promotions are used in business-to-business marketing. Sampling gives prospective customers a
chance to try a product or service at no cost. A coupon is a certificate that entitles the bearer to a price
reduction or other value-enhancing consideration when purchasing a product or
selling is face-to-face communication between a
prospective buyer and a company representative. The Strategic/Consultative Selling Model that is widely used in the
Several others forms of communication can
be used in global marketing. These include direct
marketing, a measurable system that uses one or more media to start or
complete a sale. One-to-one marketing is
an updated approach to direct marketing that calls for treating each customer in a distinct way
based on his or her previous purchase history or past interactions with the
company. Direct mail, catalogs, infomercials, teleshopping, and
interactive television are some of
the direct marketing tools that have been successfully used on a global basis.
Global marketers frequently try to place their products in blockbuster movies
that will reach global audiences. Sponsorshipsand product placement are also
becoming vital communication tools that can be used on a global basis.
The digital revolution has created a global electronic marketplace. The
revolution has gained momentum over the course of 70-plus years, during which
time technological breakthroughs included the digital mainframe computer; the transistor; the integrated circuit; the personal
computer; the spreadsheet, the
PC operating system; and the Internet,
which originated as an initiative of the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA). Three key
innovations by Tim Berners-Lee, the URL,
http, and html, led to the creation in the early 1990s of the World Wide Web.
The digital revolution has
resulted in a process known as convergence,
meaning that previously separate industries and markets are coming together. In
this environment, the innovator’s
dilemma means that company management must decide whether to invest in
current technologies or try to develop new technologies. Although leading firms
in an industry often develop sustaining
technologies that result in improved product performance, the revolution
has also unleashed a wave of disruptive
technologies that are creating new markets and reshaping industries and value networks.
E-commerceis growing in importance for both consumer and industrial goods marketers.
Generally, commercial Web sites can have a domestic or global focus; in
addition, they can be classified as promotion
sites, content sites, and transaction
sites. . Global marketers must take care when designing Web sites.
Country-specific domain names must be registered and local-language sites
developed. In addition to addressing issues of technology and functionality,
content must reflect local culture, customs, and aesthetic preferences. Cybersquatting can hinder a company’s
effort to register its corporate name as an Internet destination.
The Internet is a powerful tool for advertisers; click-through rates are one measure of effectiveness. Another trend is paid search advertising. New products and services spawned by the digital revolution include: broadband, which permits transmission of streaming media over the Internet; mobile commerce (m-commerce), which is made possible by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, WiMax, and other forms of wireless connectivity; telematics, and global positioning systems (GPS); and short message service (SMS). Smart cell phones are creating new markets for mobile music downloads, including ringtones, truetones, and full-track music files; they can also be used for mobile gaming and Internet phone service using VoIP.