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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer Dr. Choi Sang Long 

    Semester  : Semester II 2013/2014

    Synopsis :

    This course covers the basic concepts and theories in the main functions of management: planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

    Creative Commons License This work, SHD1053 PRINCIPLE OF MANAGEMENT by Dr. Choi Sang Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    This part discuss the importance of the role of a manager in an organization.  Student will be also able to know the possible pitfalls of managers and how they able to function effectively.  Few established management models will be also discussed in this section.
  • Topic 2

    Planning is pivotal in management of an organization. This  section discuss the criteria of effective planning. Managers must ensure that planning of goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timeliness. 
  • Topic 3

    Organizing the resources of a organization is crucial as this section explain the possible structure that can be implemented in one organization. Different type of organization structure shows the culture and work process of an organization.  This section also emphasizes in managing and organizing human resources by effective policies that can improve organization competitiveness.
  • Topic 4

    This section allow students to learn about various leadership styles and theories. Each leadership style has its uniqueness. It is importance to use the right leadership skills and style to spur and motivate employees in organizations.  This section also stress on communication skill as it is also key to a leader's success.
  • Topic 5

    Control mechanisms are vital in an organization. Proper control procedure not only can improve the productivity and quality of the product and services but more importantly, it helps in improving employees' performance.  This section shows students methods in controlling resources such as financially, product materials and human behaviour. 
  • Topic 6

  • Topic 7

  • Topic 8

  • Topic 9

  • Topic 10

  • Topic 11

  • Topic 12

  • Topic 13

  • Topic 14

  • Topic 15