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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Mohd Khairulanwar bin Mohd Danuri

    Semester  Semester 1 2013/2014

    Synopsis :

    SRI 3015 (Industrial Design 05) is a project based subject. It emphasises the comprehensive approach to design through one major and one minor project. The major project, proposed by the students with an idea of interest which has some scope for an innovative design solution, involving the science and technology. The project will be for two semesters and focuses on the design competency of the students and application of engineering knowledge. The minor project emphasises on the application of design principles, product visualization, its application into a product. 


    sample of industrial design projects

    Students will as well be introduce to theories on research methodology, critical thinking and creative thinking. These theories would equip students the ability to collect data, analyse and produce results. Design projects are given to students as a means of evaluating their learning outcomes. Knowledge and skills gain in the earlier semesters will also be incorporated in this course so as to further strengthen students’ ability to embody them in their design exercises/projects. At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to produce good design projects by utilising knowledge and skills gained

    Creative Commons License This work, SRSI3015 Industrial Design 05 by Mohd Khairulanwar bin Mohd Danuri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    This topic will cover the aspect on what will be teach for the whole 14 weeks. This topic will discuss on what criteria need to be fulfill by the student in order to complete the subject. Assessment criteria will also be explain in this topics.
  • Topic 2

    This topic will cover the aspect on what to be fulfill during the 14 weeks session. This major project will cover more aspect on science and technology. For this semester, the student need to focus more on the research for their project.
  • Topic 3