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Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Samsudin Ahmad

    Academic Session: 2012/2013 Semester II

    Synopsis: This course will introduce students to basic knowledge on theory and practice of project management. Topic include basic project management, Project life cycle, Project selection and evaluation, Organizational concepts in project management, Project planning, conflict and negotiation, Budgeting and cost estimation, Scheduling, Resource allocation, Monitoring, Information systems and Project control and Project termination. The objective is to get insight into human behavior, understand organizational issues and learn quantitative methods that are necessary for successful project management. Significant amount of interaction is expected during lectures, case discussions and student presentations on remote sensing related project.

    Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:

    1. Discuss basic project management principles and practices in delivering successful remote sensing related project.
    2. Identify the resources required, scheduling and monitor the progress of the project.
    3. Evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.
    4. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
    5. Think critically and analytically.
    6. Function effectively on a project team.

    This work, SGS4613 Remote Sensing Project Management by SAMSUDIN AHMAD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Topic 1

    World of Project Management. This topic give definition of project and project management, characteristics of project,  skill required by project manager to manage a project, project goals, project life cycles, methods for selecting projects and project portfolio process.
  • Topic 2

    Manager, Organization and Team. Decribing the roles of project manager,  responsibilities and criteria for selecting Project Manager.  Also cover on project organization, project team and characteristics of team members.
  • Topic 3

    Planning Project, Criteria of Business Proposal. Explain on contents of project plan,  planning process, project action plan, the Work Breakdown Structure and multidisciplinary teams.
  • Topic 4

    Budgeting the Project. Covering topics on budgeting methods, cost estimating , improving cost estimates, budget uncertainty and risk management.
  • Topic 5

    Scheduling the Project. Understanding of PERT/CPM Language, building the network (AOA & AON), project uncertainty & risk management, simulation and Gannt chart.
  • Topic 6

    Allocating Resources to the Project. Topics on expediting a project, probabilistic activity duration, Fast-Tracking a project, Resource loading, leveling & uncertainty, allocating scarce resources and chain of events.
  • Topic 7

    Monitoring and Controlling the Project.  Explaining on plan-monitor control cycle, designing the monitoring system, data collection & reporting, earned value, project control, designing the control system and scope creep & change control.
  • Topic 8

    Evaluating and Terminating the Project. Understanding on project evaluation, project auditing, project termination and project final report.
  • Topic 9

    Earned Value Analysis. Topics on project monitoring and information system, earned value chart and variance analysis.